Don't you just want to kiss those little cheeks??????
She's wrapped Daddy around her little finger already
Snoozin away
Proud Pappa
Snuggling with Daddy
We're trying to start her early as a Gator's Fan
Mommy's favorite pass time.....Kissing Eva :)
Eva Kate made her debut into the world on November 25th. She weighed in at 7 lbs. 9oz. She was 20.5 inches long. We are so absolutely blessed to have a healthy baby girl who fills our lives with so much joy! We can't wait for you to meet her :)
I thought I would set up a website blog where you all can log in a see pictures of our family and our soon to be new little baby! I know, I know, I vowed I would never give in to facebook or myspace, and I still haven't. This is probably as close I will come to that.
Please visit our site often and I will try to keep up the postings as much as possible!